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2024-05-08 卧室 责编:雅美居装饰装修网 9794浏览

1. Schlage


Schlage is a trusted American brand known for its high-quality door hardware products, including bedroom door locks and handles. The company has been in the business for over 100 years and is respected for its innovative designs, security features, and durability. Schlage products are available in a variety of styles, finishes, and price points, making them suitable for any budget.

2. Kwikset

Kwikset is another well-known brand in the American door hardware market, offering an extensive selection of bedroom door locks and handles. The company's primary focus is on delivering stylish and secure solutions for homeowners. Their products feature advanced smart lock technology and modern designs that cater to the evolving needs of the market.

3. Baldwin Hardware

Baldwin Hardware is a premium American door hardware brand that specializes in high-end residential and commercial locks, handles, and accessories. The company's products are designed to make a statement, with custom finishes and designs that cater to the unique tastes of their clients. Their bedroom door locks and handles are popular among luxury homeowners, architects, and interior designers.

4. Emtek

Emtek is another American brand that specializes in premium-quality door hardware products. The company offers a wide range of options for bedroom doors, including knobs, handles, mortise locks, and privacy sets. Emtek prides itself on its customization options, allowing customers to create their own unique styles by mixing and matching finishes, designs, and materials.

5. Yale Locks and Hardware

Yale Locks and Hardware is a reputable American brand that has been around for over 180 years. The company is known for its innovative security solutions, including its popular smart locks, digital door viewers, and alarm systems. Yale's bedroom door locks and handles are designed to provide superior security without sacrificing style or convenience.

6. Defiant

Defiant is a budget-friendly brand offering quality door hardware products, including bedroom door knobs and locks. The company's products feature simple designs and finishes that cater to customers who prioritize functionality over aesthetics. Defiant's bedroom locks and handles are easy to install and come with a limited lifetime warranty.

7. Brinks Home Security

Brinks Home Security is a trusted American brand specializing in home security solutions, including door hardware products. The company offers a variety of bedroom door locks and handles that are designed to provide advanced security features, such as anti-pick and anti-bump mechanisms. Brinks' products are simple to install and come with a limited lifetime warranty.

8. National Hardware

National Hardware is a popular American brand offering affordable door hardware products, including bedroom door handles and locks. The company's products feature classic and traditional designs, making them perfect for homeowners who prefer a timeless aesthetic. National Hardware's bedroom locks and handles are durable and straightforward to install.

9. Master Lock

Master Lock is a well-known American brand that specializes in traditional and smart lock products. The company offers several options for bedroom doors, including deadbolts, keyless entry, and smart locks. Master Lock's bedroom door locks and handles feature advanced technology, such as voice control and mobile app integration.

10. Gatehouse

Gatehouse is a budget-friendly brand that offers simple and reliable door hardware products, including bedroom door locks and handles. The company's products come in a variety of styles, finishes, and designs, providing customers with a broad range of options to choose from. Gatehouse's bedroom locks and handles are easy to install and offer a limited lifetime warranty.

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